> Thanks for the recommendations.
> I just downloaded CentOS 5.1 DVD (as well as CDs, for some older servers
> which do not have DVD ROM). It looks like both Fedora and CentOS latest
> editions have equally large software bundle ......
> Is CentOS equally well supported as compare to Fedora ?

CentOS is a RHEL clone (RedHat Enterprise Linux) without the logos and
stuff. (more or less is what Oracle in Unbreakable Linux does)

They just "recompile" the packages of the RHEL with the same options.

They do that because RHEL is a commercial distro, and you must pay if you
want to use it.

More information: Please read this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CentOS

Fedora in essence is the "testing" or "unstable" (they say "community")
version of RedHat Distro and have a 6 months timeframe between releases
and tends to discontinue support in a year.

The centos project is as supported as RHEL (AFAIK, 7 years at least), so
the short answer is:

NO, CentOS is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more supported than Fedora.

And if you really want/need professional support is very easy to migrate
between CentOS, RHEL and Oracle Unbreakable Linux.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: António Pedro Lima [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 12 June, 2008 2:19 AM
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] Fedora or CentOS for the qmToaster
> Centos!
> I used Fedora for some time...
> Moved to Centos and... Headaches are gone!
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Eric Shubert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviada: quarta-feira, 11 de Junho de 2008 18:46
> Para: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Assunto: Re: [qmailtoaster] Fedora or CentOS for the qmToaster
> NGS wrote:
>> I wonder which one is best for setting up a qmail server based on Qmail
>> Toaster. What are the main different?
> CentOS. You'll have fewer updates (and headaches).
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
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