Kaven Gagnon wrote:
> Hi, since my QTM upgrade last week, my mail server queue is growing up
> (currently +10K) and mails sent to remote domains stuck in the queue and
> users received error message (after 1 - 2 days) "Connected to <ip_address>
> but connection died. (#4.4.2)".
> Message sent to local domains are delivered.
> I tried to disable ClamAV and SpamAssassin, remove blacklists, repair the
> queue, force queue processing, backup & delete completely the queue...
> when starting with an empty queue, new message still stuck and are not
> sended.
> I also tried to route outgoing smtp traffic trough my second WAN link ISP
> smtp server for sending message and still don't work.  This is not a
> provider issue, I tried to send an email with my dev server and it worked.
> Any idea would be appreciated.
> Thanks you.

What toaster package versions are you running?
# rpm -qa | grep

Which makemaker version is installed?
# grep '^our $VERSION' /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.?/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm

Any errors in clamd or spamd logs?

Double check check DNS operation
# dig cnn.com
You should see
near the bottom, indicating that the reply came from your localhost dns

After you've verfied all that, my bet would be that you have a problem with
TLS. What's the owner/permissions on /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem ?

-Eric 'shubes'

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