Ufff no good then.

I haven't removed any zlib package as of this point. Thank God I got this message before that ;), saved me a 3 hours emergency trip lmao.

I'll do my research on that one carefully.

Luis Lopez

Dan McAllister wrote:
BE CAREFUL Johannes!!!

A LOT of people administer their Linux boxes remotely -- usually via SSH. If you REMOVE the zlib package, your SSH connection *_/will /_*drop and you will be unable to reconnect. (Not surprisingly, SSH is very dependent on the zlib package for its encryption & compression over the ssh channels!)

So.... IF you feel the need to uninstall zlib (IMHO, not a good idea), make SURE you're not cutting off your access to your server!

As for the "dependency" of zlib & djbdns, I have both commented out in my build (and update) scripts. I "learned" ISC's bind many MANY years ago, so I never switched to djbdns anyway -- although I do agree with Daniel's rationale for creating it -- the caching server and authoritative server SHOULD be separate. The problem I have with that is that this means you cannot (easily) have a server that serves both roles, because both use port 53 -- and it's too late to re-invent DNS at this point! (That being said -- I actually started using djbdns on a hosted linux server last month -- it only has to be an authoritative server, and it is faster than bind in that role.

That's my 2-cents's worth and you get what you pay for....


Daniel McAllister, President

PO BOX 507
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-0507

877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free
727-647-7646 In Pinellas
813-464-2093 In Hillsborough
727-507-9435 Fax Only

"When did you do your last backup?"

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Johannes Weberhofer, Weberhofer GmbH wrote:

you could uninstall the package using

rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps --justdb zlib-devel zlib

That removes all matching packages from the rpm database ignoring all dependencies. After that reinstall that original package that came with your distribution:

rpm -Uhv --replacefiles zlib-XXXXXXXX.rpm

That should solve your problems with the rpm-database that lists the package twice.

Best regards,

Luis Lopez schrieb:
Thanks for that, Dan & Eric.

In the mean time, I guess I'll ignore the errors from the Zlib then.

Luis Lopez


* *


Eric Shubert wrote:
Thanks for explaining that, Dan.

I'm guessing that there's probably no need to have a zlib package on the QMT site any more, but I don't know why it's there to begin with, so I could be
wrong about that.

I think I'll modify the next QTP release simply ignore zlib, as it does
djbdns, given that they're not -toaster- packages anyway.

Thanks again.

Dan McAllister wrote:

My guess is that you're running 64-bit Linux (that is, an x86_64

If this is the case, the reason you're seeing zlib show up twice is that
you have both the i386 and x86_64 versions installed.

Unfortunately, the rpm command doesn't show you this information, but
I'll bet yum will.

On my own FC5 system, here's what I get

*# rpm -qa | grep zlib*
*# yum list zlib**
...stuff deleted here...
zlib.i386 1.2.3-1.2.1 installed zlib.x86_64 1.2.3-1.2.1 installed zlib-devel.x86_64 1.2.3-1.2.1 installed zlib-devel.i386 1.2.3-1.2.1 installed

Just an FYI -- I've had problems in the past with trying to RE-install
Zlib as part of the QMT installation because I am virtually always
connected via an SSH shell... so I have my install (and update) scripts skip over Zlib. After all, if zlib isn't there, I am not there either!

So.... you can skip over any idea you have that the duplicate entries
are any kind of error. It is perfectly normal in an x86_64 environment
for the package to show twice -- once in i386 and once in x86_64.

Now, if you think that's "wasteful" or "duplicitous" -- try Gentoo Linux
&  build everything for your own specific hardware!

I hope this helps... someone!!!


Daniel McAllister, President

PO BOX 507
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-0507

877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free
727-647-7646 In Pinellas
813-464-2093 In Hillsborough
727-507-9435 Fax Only

"When did you do your last backup?"

Ask me about unattended offsite backup solutions...
to protect your business, not just your data!

Eric Shubert wrote:

That appears to be the case. I'm at a loss as to why the rpm command shows the same packages twice. You might google a bit to see if you can find
something on it.

Luis Lopez wrote:

PS. This is only happening with that Zlib package as far as i can tell.

Luis Lopez

Eric Shubert wrote:

The rpm command shouldn't be listing zlib twice. I wonder if your rpm
database is a bit corrupt. You might try
# rpm --rebuilddb
Does that fix it?

Luis Lopez wrote:

This is what I got:

# rpm -qa |grep zlib

Luis Lopez

Eric Shubert wrote:

Looks like it's not parsing your zlib package version correctly.
What does your system return for:
# rpm -qa | grep zlib

P.S. Glad you're up to date!
Luis Lopez wrote:

Yoohoo all My packages are up-to-date.

I do get one little error on:

# ./qtp-ami-up2date
*/usr/sbin/qtp-config: line 117: 3-3
zlib-1: syntax error in expression (error token is "zlib-1")*

No New Qmail-Toaster Packages Available

That line has this little if statement which is gibberish to me:
if [ $((updt_v1)) -gt $((inst_v1)) ] \
       || ( [ $((updt_v1)) -eq $((inst_v1)) ] \
            &&  [ $((updt_v2)) -gt $((inst_v2)) ] ) \
       || ( [ $((updt_v1)) -eq $((inst_v1)) ] \
            &&  [ $((updt_v2)) -eq $((inst_v2)) ] \
            &&  [ $((updt_v3)) -gt $((inst_v3)) ] ); then

But as long as it works, it should be ok.

Thanks Guys.

Luis Lopez


* *


Luis Lopez wrote:

Just a quick note on how I installed this.

1. yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install perl-Archive-Tar
if for some reason it tries all the repos and errors out with bad
checksum go:
  /yum clean up
yum check-update
2. yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install perl-LWP-UserAgent-Determined This will install the last two dependencies, resolving this error:
         perl(Archive::Tar)>= 1.23 is needed by
         perl(HTTP::Date) is needed by
         perl(IO::Zlib)>= 1.04 is needed by
         perl(LWP::UserAgent) is needed by

Eric Shubert wrote:

Install the rpmforge-release package from dag wieers, then install the perl
packages using yum.

If you've installed the latest qmailtoaster-plus package, you can simply:
# qtp-install-rpmforge
# yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install perl-Archive-Tar ...

Otherwise, check the list archives for the hard way. ;)

Luis Lopez wrote:

Hi There,

I know that a couple of people had dependencies problems installing that spamassassin-toaster package. I /yum update /the server and rebooted and still had the same issue. No CPAN is used to update the perl modules.

I'm not using the qtp-newmodel script, going the manual way:

rpmbuild --rebuild --with cnt5064 [package source]

cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386

rpm -Uvh [package]

This is the way I've installed the updates so far and it has worked perfectly. But spamassassin-toaster-3.2.5-1.3.14 seems a bit tricky.

Here is the output when trying to /rpm -Uvh/:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] x86_64]# rpm -Uvh spamassassin-toaster-3.2.5-1.3.14.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
         perl(Archive::Tar)>= 1.23 is needed by
         perl(HTTP::Date) is needed by
         perl(IO::Zlib)>= 1.04 is needed by
         perl(LWP::UserAgent) is needed by

My uname output:
Linux [server] 2.6.18-92.1.10.*el5xen* #1 SMP Tue Aug 5 08:11:18 EDT
2008 *x86_64* x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

and here my perl modules:

# rpm -qa |grep perl

Thanks in advance.


Luis Lopez


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