Anil Aliyan wrote:
Dear All,
Till last week my mail were signed by domainkeys but today when i checked and some test messages to google and yahoo it say DomainKey-Status: bad. I dont understand how it can happen on its own when I havent changed anything in my server. When i check my server by sending test mail to it also says that
*DomainKey-Status*: bad: Signature failed verification
*DKIM-Status*: failed (no signature found)
SPF records and rest all are OK and verified.
how can I make sure that every mail sent by my mail server is signed by the designated private key? Or why doest my sever fails to sign mail??

I know Yahoo is horrible about them - one of their servers will show correct, another will show as bad. I see that your message was signed, but I do not check incoming. A reliable place to test is here by sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Give that a try and see what it returns.

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