Kent Busbee wrote:
Ok, this has been bugging me a bit...

I keep getting duplicate emails from the list.  I seem to recall others
complaining of this recently, so it that tells me it may not be my qmail
box.  However, I did update last week and then updated spamdyke from 3 to
4.  I had a prob before with dups, which was fixed by increasing the
idle-timeout in spamdyke.comf.  And again after updating spamdyke I had to
up the idle-timeout from 60 to 660 because of dups to everyone.  Since
then only occasional dups from this list, just enough to annoy me.

Is is me or the list, or perhaps even those sending to it?  Maybe the list
server needs to up its idle timeout?

It's just this list. Rather the server running it. I've made Erik Espinoza aware, since he's the only one with access to the mail server that this list runs on.

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