Stefan wrote:
my problem is that i cant delete several mails at once in my IMAP Inbox or Junk Folder, Thunderbird just tells me "Moving messages to INBOX.Junk" or "Moving messages to INBOX.Trash" and nothing happens, Thunderbird stucks in this mail account until i close and open it again. Its a strange behavior, this only happens if i try to delete more than 10 mails, one mail is deleting fine, but with 2 and more selected its taking longer and longer. On our old mailserver which is also running courier-imap (no QMT) its takes about 1 sek to move rather deleting 20 mails.

Well after some testing i found a workaround for it, if i enable SSL everything is working fine, 30 mails are deleted immediately.

The box is a Opteron Quadcore with 4 GB RAM and SuSe 10.3 x64 with newest QMT and QTP installed. Client is Thunderbird and IMAP Server Directory is set to "INBOX.". I increased the softlimit in the IMAP4 run file and set the -n parameter for the connections to 200.

Sorry for my english its not my native language.

I've had similar issues with courier (not a Qmail server, but a Postfix). Depended on how many emails and the size. Watch your system loads, and also look at the courier config files. I believe courier is configured to allow up to 20 or 30 open sessions and Thunderbird will open one for each email to read it, another for each email to write it, etc. You may need to adjust your load limits if you have a lot of people connected via IMAP. You may also look at some of the IMAP cache programs out there as this will reduce the load on courier itself by caching results for the IMAP clients.
Hope that helps.

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