Nice tip, Philip (could've used that a couple years ago!).
Does qmail-newu do anything other than building the assign.cdb file?

Philip wrote:
assign is an editable file (but be careful what you do with it)
then the command qmail-newu builds a cdb binary file called cdb

Eric Shubert wrote:
I'm not really clear about what you're trying to accomplish. There are 2 other places though (other than the sql database) where your domains are defined. One is the /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains, and the other is /var/qmail/users/assign. The later has a cdb file associated with it that's a little tricky to get generated IIRC. You might need to add/delete a dummy domain to get the assign.cdb file rebuilt.

Shai wrote:
Well... I know where it goes... it still goes locally to my account ...


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Shai <> wrote:
I did this.. and now I don't get any email... and I have no idea where
its going to either :(


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 8:24 PM, Eric Shubert <> wrote:
In that case, I think you can simply remove the domain from the
/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file. See

I'd do that with qmail stopped to be on the safe side (I see a corresponding
.lock file).

Shai wrote:
Hi Eric (Long time no talk!),

But I don't want to delete the domain... I still have emails I want to
have access to ...


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Eric Shubert <> wrote:
Shai wrote:

I decided that I don't want to maintain my own mail server and I want
to let another service handle this for me.
Notice, I have several domains, and this decision has been made for
just one of them, not all.
I've setup everything but local emails (ie. emails that are being sent from the local cron or other tasks sending to the local server on the
old mail server.

What exactly do I need to do, so that all the local email being sent to this domain, don't go to the old server but get forwarded to my ISP
and then to my new host for my mail server?

Thanks in advance!
Delete the domain from your toaster
# /home/vpopmail/bin/vdeldomain

-Eric 'shubes'

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