Hi list, I used not to be a big fan of greylisting, given that it delays the reception of legitimate mails, but given that spam is getting worst each day, I want to try it.
Don't get me wrong, blacklists+spamassassin works certainly good but it takes a lot of CPU. Greylisting, if I do it right, could possibly reduce the thrashing of my CPU, delaying only certain mails, not too much time, giving time to blacklists (like sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org) to be filled with that wrong-doer. I'm looking for greylist the FULL way (triplets, not only greylisting IP's), but I'm open to any other solution. Any experiences out there? --- David Sanchez Martin Administrador de Sistemas dsanc...@e2000.es GPG Key ID: 0x37E7AC1F E2000 Nuevas Tecnologías Tel : +34 902 830500
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