Hi list,

  I used not to be a big fan of greylisting, given that it delays the
reception of legitimate mails, but given that spam is getting worst each
day, I want to try it. 

  Don't get me wrong, blacklists+spamassassin works certainly good but it
takes a lot of CPU.

  Greylisting, if I do it right, could possibly reduce the thrashing of my
CPU, delaying only certain mails, not too much time, giving time to
blacklists (like sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org) to be filled with that wrong-doer.

  I'm looking for greylist the FULL way (triplets, not only greylisting
IP's), but I'm open to any other solution.

  Any experiences out there?

David Sanchez Martin
Administrador de Sistemas
GPG Key ID: 0x37E7AC1F

E2000 Nuevas Tecnologías
Tel : +34 902 830500

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