Thanks for all the suggestions - we got it to work.

We looked in our /var/log/httpd/error_log and we did have error messages
concerning the compatibility plugin such as the following:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sqauth_read_password() (previously
declared in

Last night when we had re-run the qtp-restore after commenting out the
plugins restoraction section we had forgotten to restore back to an
earlier version of the server (so it had left in the other restoration of
the plugins).

We restored the server back to the stage before we brought over the backup
file, commented out the plugins sections of the qtp-restore file again,
and then re-ran the qtp-restore command.

This time we were able to log in to the webmail and all the old mail was

We then saved a copy of the new plugin directory and brought over the old
plugin directory. We deleted the compatibility plugin and downloaded the
latest version of the compatibility plugin from squirrelmail's website.
Then we were still able to log in ok.

Thanks everybody.

> Hi
> Did you patch your new Squirrelmail with the new compatibility-plugin
> (download from squirrelmails Website)?
> I had a similar problem s. times ago, patched the files and all was OK.
> Andreas
> Am Monday 25 May 2009 08:07:12 schrieb
>> Hello group,
>> We are doing a fresh install of the latest qmailtoaster files
>> (downloaded
>> today) on CentOS 5.3 on a new computer and then trying to use the
>> qtp-backup and qtp-restore (installed with the latest qmailtoaster-plus)
>> to backup our old mail and user accounts from the old computer.
>> By the way, before attempting the qtp-restore we did add a domain and
>> some
>> test users to the newly installed qmailtoaster and everything was
>> working
>> fine.
>> Our old server has the following versions installed:
>> # rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort
>> autorespond-toaster-2.0.4-1.3.3
>> clamav-toaster-0.91.2-1.3.15
>> control-panel-toaster-0.5-1.3.4
>> courier-authlib-toaster-0.59.2-1.3.6
>> courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.7
>> daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.3
>> ezmlm-cgi-toaster-0.53.324-1.3.3
>> ezmlm-toaster-0.53.324-1.3.3
>> isoqlog-toaster-2.1-1.3.4
>> libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.3
>> libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.3
>> maildrop-toaster-2.0.3-1.3.5
>> maildrop-toaster-devel-2.0.3-1.3.5
>> qmailadmin-toaster-1.2.11-1.3.4
>> qmailmrtg-toaster-4.2-1.3.3
>> qmail-pop3d-toaster-1.03-1.3.15
>> qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.15
>> qmailtoaster-plus-0.3.1-1.4.9
>> qmailtoaster-plus.repo-0.1-1
>> ripmime-toaster-
>> simscan-toaster-1.3.1-1.3.6
>> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.3-1.3.12
>> squirrelmail-toaster-1.4.9a-1.3.6
>> ucspi-tcp-toaster-0.88-1.3.5
>> vpopmail-toaster-5.4.17-1.3.4
>> vqadmin-toaster-2.3.4-1.3.3
>> We copied the *-backup.tar.gz file to our /root directory on the new
>> machine.
>> We also downloaded and uncompressed the queue-repair-0.9.0 in the /root
>> directory.
>> We normally run the server in the Gnome gui, but we logged out of the
>> gui
>> and from command line ran the "qtp-restore" command. It says it
>> completed
>> successfully.
>> However, when we try to log in to the webmail we get a totally blank
>> page.
>> We have looked in the restored files and there is mail in the users
>> directories (for example in
>> /home/vpopmail/domains/
>> We checked that the vpopmail UID and GID are 89:89.
>> We looked in the /var/log/qmail/imap4/current file and it is showing the
>> test user logging in:
>> INFO: LOGIN,, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
>> INFO: LOGOUT,, ip=[], headers=0, body=0,
>> rcvd=131, sent=633, time=0
>> We were reading on squirrelmail's website that sometimes there are
>> issues
>> when updating the plugins on a newer installation, so we then changed
>> the
>> qtp-restore script by commenting out the lines about restoring the
>> plugins
>> and re-ran the qtp-restore, but we got the same results.
>> We have been unable to find a solution when we tried searching the
>> qmailtoaster mailing list archives and searching on google.
>> We did not want to update the old machine, but would like to bring over
>> the old users and their mail.
>> Does anyone know what our problem is?
>> We have tried to include as much detail as possible so if someone else
>> down the road has the same problem they will know how to fix it.
>> Thanks in advance.

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