amit IKF wrote:
No its still not working. Neither domain key nor spamassassin. Please find my message headers:

You need to show us all of the diagnostic info we've asked for.
What does "qmailctl stat" show?
What does "rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort" show?
What does "spamassassin -D --lint" show? (give us the whole thing, not just what you think is important)
What does your tcp.smtp file look like?
Have you deviated from the standard install in any way (ie: added a patch you though you needed, skipped a step because you didn't think you needed it, modified something, etc.)? Send a full message to yourself and post the full headers. Put actual text in the message - sometimes a message will not be scanned if it's too small (ie: there is nothing in the message but "test!" or some-such)

Have you looked on the wiki for answers? Have you looked in the message archives to see if someone else has asked a similar question and fixed it?

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