>> Sergio Minini (NETKEY) wrote:
>>> Hey there list,
>>> anyone knows a script (or another way) to know how many mails a given
>>> domain sent?
>>> Since maillog rotates weekly, I can count there at the end of the week.
>>> My scripting skills are next to none, so I am asking you guys for help
>>> on this one.
>>> Thanks!
>> What about the web page for isoqlog (it's included with 'Toaster
>> already)?
> Hi Jake, thanks for your answer. This box is not a QMT, but I managed to
> install isoqlog anyway. But I found out that it lists ALL users for a
> given domain, even those that doesnt exist. (Ie: A valid account would be
> us...@domain.com and I would see stats for 1u...@domain.com, as if some
> spammer sent to a guessed address.)
> I was first thinking of a bash script(maybe) that could run through
> maillog and found out how many emails a given domain sent/received that
> were ALLOWED by spamdyke.
> Cheers,
> Sergio

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