
thanks very much for the clearly aswer, i hope this will resolve all my problems. Thanks to everybody in ml too. This is a great place to solve problems :-)


Il giorno 24/set/2009, alle ore 10.32, Constantin IOAJA ha scritto:

admin wrote:

Actually i want to update hourly my clamav installation but i don't wanto to receive the state check email hourly. Or at last i want to change the address where this mail is sent.
Cannot find the mail command in the unofficial-clamav-sigs.sh script.

Il giorno 22/set/2009, alle ore 19.27, Richard Vinke ha scritto:

For Clamav sanesecurity -in old "unofficial-clamav-sigs.conf " or new "clamav-unofficial-sigs.conf ":
set " yes"  for silence - receive only error conditions   :

# If you want to silence the information reported by curl, rsync, gpg
# or the general script comments, change the following variables to
# "yes".  If all variables are set to "yes", the script will output
# nothing except error conditions.
curl_silence="yes"      # Default is "no" to report curl statistics
rsync_silence="yes"     # Default is "no" to report rsync statistics
gpg_silence="yes" # Default is "no" to report gpg signature status
comment_silence="yes"   # Default is "no" to report script comments

enable logging to "yes"  :

# Log update information to '$log_file_path/$log_file_name'.

Is recommended to install the latest version clamav-unofficial- sigs-3.6 http://sanesecurity.org.uk/download_scripts_linux.htm !


Constantin IOAJA

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