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Il giorno 03/ott/2009, alle ore 20.03, Eric Shubert ha scritto:

I'm happy to announce the next release of qmailtoaster-plus! This is a fairly major release.

First and foremost, the qmailtoaster-plus.repo package has been expanded. It now includes repositories for each distro/version to provide the FUSE packages required by the updated qtp-newmodel. While it is usually a good idea to run
# yum update
before running qtp-newmodel, you *must* minimally run
# yum update qmailtoaster-plus.repo
before running the new qtp-newmodel with a unionfs sandbox.
If you don't do this update, you'll see:
Error getting repository data for qtp-CentOS, repository not found
qtp-mount-sandbox - installation of dependent packages failed
qtp-mount-sandbox - is your qmailtoaster-plus.repo package up to date?

Secondly, the unionfs sandbox used by qtp-newmodel has been totally revamped. It now runs with FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace), so it doesn't need to be rebuilt whenever the kernel is updated. This is compatible now with newer kernels (Fedora 10,11), and has been implemented in older kernels (2.6.9+) with the help of the dkms and dkms-fuse packages. All of the details are handled automatically by the qtp-mount-sandbox script, which is invoked by qtp-newmodel (and can be run from the CLI FWIW). If you're running CentOS, be sure to be patient when dkms-fuse is installing. It takes a bit of time because it builds a kernel module during the post install process.

The unionfs sandbox has not been tested on Suse or Mandriva. I expect there will be a few things that need to be done to get it working, but it shouldn't be difficult, as the pieces are all in place. If one of you who is running Suse or Mandriva would like to test this functionality, please contact me.

The other fairly big change is that the qtp-extraclam script has been replaced with a new qtp-install-sanesecurity script. This script downloads and installs the current version of the script which maintains the extra clamav databases. When a new version becomes available, you can simply rerun qtp-install-sanesecurity to get the latest version.

There are other minor enhancements as well. qtp-newmodel now lets you select packages for re-install, and it also displays the last 10 lines of the log file if/when there's a build error. See the release notes for any other little things I may have missed in this announcement.

As always, please post to the list with any questions or comments.

-Eric 'shubes'

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