David Milholen wrote:
Eric Shubert wrote:
David Milholen wrote:
Hi All,
I have an issue on one of my production mail server.. I did not install this one but it seems that when it was installed with no raid in mind. I need to make this move to go to raid 1 with out losing any configuration or data on the current root drive. I have never done this before but have a good understanding of what may need to happen I just need a good step by step to keep me from losing what is in place now.
This machine is an e-server 326m has 2 sata 250GB drives.
here is the output of the df command
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1            240362656  16316904 211835952   8% /
/dev/sda1               101086     11843     84024  13% /boot
none                   2047316         0   2047316   0% /dev/shm

Any suggestions on this would be great..

Hey Dave,

This'll be a little tricky, but not too bad.

In short, you'll
.) migrate /boot to sdb1. This will free up the sda drive.
.) build (degraded) raid arrays, filesystems on sda
.) migrate sdb->sda
.) boot/run from sda (degraded)
.) create raid partitions on sdb
.) add sdb raid paritions into /dev/md? arrays

After doing the first step, you'll need to decide how your new system will be partitioned. I usually create 2 raid arrays on each drive, one 100M for /boot and whatever's left I make a LVG (/boot cannot be in a LV). Then I divvy up the logical volume. For QMT, I think I'd use:
/ - 8G
/tmp - 1G
/var - 2G
swap - 1-2 times RAM
/home - whatever's left

That should get you started. Holler as you have questions, and we'll do what we can to help out.

Oh, and please take notes. You might want to write a how-to for the wiki when you're done. ;)

Ok, I am working on the process today by doing a complete backup to my nas so I have a complete image in case I break something.
There is nothing else running on this machine except qmt-1.40 and dns.
My tmp is very small so Eric's  suggestion  should work fine.
I am documenting everything and when complete Ill put it in the wiki.

Sounds great Dave. Keep us posted.

I would definitely keep a little space (maybe 12G or so) unused, just in case. You never know what'll come up. Sometimes you can use symlinks to work around a disk space shortage, but growing a LV is a much better solution. You need to have a little spare room to grow though.

-Eric 'shubes'

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