Eric Shubert wrote:
Brent Gardner wrote:
FWIW I run my toasters as guests under VMware Server 2. I'm willing to provide stats if you tell me where to look, or other info.

Great Brent, thanks. I'm running the same thing. Host and guests are CentOS5.

Out of curiosity, are you using any paravirtualization capabilities in the cpu?

Are you using any settings that aren't in the wiki?

Actually, I wasn't aware of the VMware page in the QMail-Toaster wiki until it was linked in this thread, and I haven't had time to more than glance at it.

My toasters are each on a separate VM server along with at least two other guests. The hardware machines are Dell OptiPlex with 1 Core2Duo E6850 and 4GB RAM. Some key settings in the Dell BIOS:

Virtualization: (ON)

"This field specifies whether a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can utilize the additional hardware capabilities provided by Intel(R) Virtualization Technology."

VT for Direct I/O: (ON)

"This field specifies whether a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can utilize the additional hardware capabilities provided by Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Direct I/O."

If I remember right these settings mean I'm using VT.

The host OS is 64-bit CentOS 5.3. On top of that I have 64-bit VMware Server 2. The guest OS that QMail-Toaster is installed on is 32-bit CentOS 5.3.

Each toaster guest is given one virtual CPU and 1GB RAM. The toaster guest machine files are on a separate drive from the host OS.

I had seen time sync issues a few years ago when first running Linux guests in VMware on Linux hosts. Research at that time led me to this document:

That document was created in 2006 so there may be better information now, but based on that document I put 'clocksource=pit' at the end of the kernel line in /etc/grub.conf on my toaster guests, disabled any Linux tyme sync technology such as ntpd, installed VMware Tools and configured them to sync the guest clock with the host clock. The clocks on my toasters drift a bit but I don't think they're ever more than a minute off.

I don't recall any other special settings on the toaster guests due to running as VMs.

Brent Gardner

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