I like the ability to watch them when I need to, or to refer back to them
when needed.Even if it meant renewing the subscription, which I was just
about to do.  :-)


Of course, whatever works for you, but, for my .02, I would like it if there
was a way to watch the videos on demand.  The DVD package sounds
interesting, and I guess paying for each video and watching it online would
be good also, as long as there was a way to maybe watch it over a period of
a couple days.  Some times I'll start watching one and fall asleep (Not from
the video!  Just because I tend to watch them late at night as I'm winding
down.)  or,  I may get a call, and I'm off on another project.  So, "Buying"
a video online and watching it should have at least some period of time that
the video would remain viewable.


Of course, if the price is right for the DVD set, that would probably be the
best, but it also potentially can cause those videos to become dated, should
you "Update" one of the videos.


Either way, I appreciate the time you put into making them, and they save
us, likely, 10 times the hours trying to figure the stuff out on our own.



Michael J. Colvin

NorCal Internet Services

 <http://www.norcalisp.com/> www.norcalisp.com





From: David Milholen [mailto:dmilho...@wletc.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:00 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Qmailtoaster videos - major change!


Jake Vickers wrote: 

Hopefully everyone will read this: 

First off, I've been sick the last week or two, so the videos are a day or
two behind. Once I'm able to record without coughing through the whole
thing, I'll get a new video out - hopefully in the next day or two. 

Anyway, I've also been thinking quite a bit on the video site, and am going
to implement some major changes. The rest of this email will be kinda
long-winded and detailed, so if you're just interested in the end results,
skip to the last paragraph when I recap ;) 

Do you realize it's been almost a year already? As I have been recording the
videos, I have been learning a lot myself. First thing I learned is that the
credit card processing companies are rackets. Authorize.net is the worst -
did you know when you enter your credit card information and it gets
rejected for *whatever* reason, I still get charged (all said and done)
$1.57 for the transaction, even though it failed and I didn't actually
receive any funds? I had a user run his card 50 times in a day! And never
even completed a sale! So one guy racked up $78USD in charges for me, and he
never did pay for the subscription. Authorize.net was *very* unhelpful in
the process. 
As such, the first change I am going to make to the video site is using a
different credit card processor and also include PayPal transactions. To go
hand-in-hand with this, there will no longer be a "subscription" service.
The videos that you require a subscription to view now will be individually
priced. I will still continue to produce free videos just like I always
have, but the special videos will have an individual price - I am targeting
$4 - $8 for the "premium" videos. I need to sit down and figure out service
charges for PayPal and the credit card processor to find out where the
actual price break will need to be, factoring in server costs as well. 
For those that have a current subscription - it's still active. I canceled
the recurring fee so once the subscription runs out, it's done. I will
continue to produce videos the week of June 29th, when the last currently
paid for subscription runs out. At that point I will transition everything
to the new system. 
I will actually be transferring the videos to the new system (and new
server!) during this time frame so that once the June 29th week hits, it
should juts be a quick change in DNS to redirect everyone to the new server.

For those that want to see some of the premium videos NOW, email me off-list
and let me know which video. We can work out something. For those that want
ALL the videos, email me off-list. I'm considering mailing DVDs with copies
of all the videos on them and we can discuss this possibility. 

Now the second thing I learned from this project, is that I have a **lot**
of topics I would love to produce videos on that are not Qmailtoaster
specific. To go hand-in-hand with the above shopping cart changes, I am also
going to transition the site to a more Linux-general site instead of
Qmailtoaster specific. I will still do Qmailtoaster videos! I just want to
have the flexibility to do videos on other topics that are not Qmailtoaster
specific as well (I've been itching to do a video on OpenVPN for several
months now, as well as Bind!). So when I move everything to the new server,
the format/theme will change to be more Linux in general versus Qmailtoaster
specific. I think this will benefit everyone who visits. 

The third thing I learned is that finding time to do a video every week is
difficult! With the economy changes, family, house projects, etc. there are
just not enough hours in the day. I would get spells where I could knock out
2 or 3 videos in a day so I was stocked up for a few weeks, but then when it
came time to record again I was jammed up with something else that required
my attention.  So I will not promise to produce a video every week, but will
get videos posted regularly. Since the new system will allow you to purchase
each video individually, this will allow you to purchase videos as you wish
and/or as they are released - hopefully those two points meet! 

For those that skipped to the last paragraph, here's the recap: 
The video site is going to transition to a more Linux-general video site but
will still produce Qmailtoaster videos. 
Videos will no longer be a subscription service - there will be free videos
and there will be "premium" videos that can be purchased individually. 
I will continue to produce Qmailtoaster only videos until June 29th. At that
point it will transition to the new site. The Qmailtoaster videos will
follow over to the new site. 
You will have more options for purchasing videos, such as PayPal. 

Thanks for everyone's support! 

Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
   Vickers Consulting Group offers Qmailtoaster support and installations. 
     If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today! 
    Please visit qmailtoaster.com for the latest news, updates, and
         To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

Much love on this side of the house for doing such a great job on the
videos. I subscribed and the domainkeys videos helped out alot.
  I would love to order a DVD set of topic specific videos I choose to place
on the DVD.
I am looking forward to what ever you can put together,

Like Jake I stay very busy with my day job and very busy with family. After
4 yrs of being over seas I take every day at a time.

David Milholen
Project Engineer
Wireless Etc



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