Noel Rivera (Border Less) wrote:
Hello list I have a problem with my server, In a few days it runs slow to send messages, in the log file I have many lines like this one:

05-12 09:56:51 spamdyke[3614]: TIMEOUT from: to: origin_ip: origin_rdns: auth: (unknown) reason: TIMEOUT

How I Can to solve this TIMEOUT problems?

This log message is for inbound messages, not outbound. The TIMEOUT is not a problem to be solved. If you look earlier in the log, you should see that the email in question has already been rejected, and the sending server simply doesn't go away gracefully when it's told to "bug off". ;)

I have 60 concurrencyincoming and 60 concurrencyremote in Qmail files configuration.

Thanks For Your HELP!!.

If there are delays sending messages (outbound from your QMT), I would suspect a problem with the queues.
# qmailctl stop
# -r
# qmailctl start
will fix the queues if that's the problem.

If that's not it, please describe in more detail what you see as a problem. The "send" log might show something.

-Eric 'shubes'

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