David Milholen wrote:
I did exactly what you said and I do remember this type of setup doing work with the cacti project.. Been a while since I have had to pay attention to Hardware like drives and memory. I can definitely see a difference on the 3 different clients I have to do some real world testing.
Things are what you might say popping.

Here is snapshot of the top -i

[r...@ns2 ~]# top -i
top - 18:16:14 up 13 min,  1 user,  load average: 3.16, 2.65, 1.74
Tasks: 177 total,   2 running, 173 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
Cpu(s): 97.8% us,  1.9% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.3% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   4094564k total,   281796k used,  3812768k free,    24620k buffers
Swap:   779144k total,        0k used,   779144k free,    84840k cached

 5239 clamav    25   0  6268 3276  664 R 73.5  0.1   0:05.31 clamd
 5038 root      18   0  3012 1072  776 R  6.5  0.0   0:08.56 top

This is after a reboot. I went ahead an increase the size of the drive to 512MB. I check before I did this and there was plenty of memory to spare but always seeing swap at 192K.
 ClamAV usually using about 90% of cpu.

Those numbers look to me like older version(s) of clamav that had some problems. Which version are you running? If it's not the current one, I'd certainly upgrade.

I have some really good notes on what I have done with the lists help to make this a very streamline server. I wish we had a wiki that would have all the tweaks on security in one place and another for performance.

Me too. Care to do some editing of the wiki? It's not very tough. Feel free to hack away on it. Seems as though the wiki can always use some improvement. I'm always glad to see others contributing there.

My notes are divided this way.

That's good organization.

FWIW, I did some organizing on the Tips & Tricks page recently to group things together a bit. Could probably still use some more work.

-Eric 'shubes'

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