Hey Finn,

My test system is running CentOS 5.5. I didn't seem to have any problems
compiling. The compile (make) did not error out.
It is also up to date.
I did 'make' dovecot-2.0.9 again to examine the output and found no
errors, just warnings.
Here's what I did on my test machine...
# cd /my/dovecot/dir/dovecot-2.0.9
# make clean
# make

These are the warnings I got when I ran 'make.'

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib02_imap_acl_plugin.la against
the loadable module
*** lib01_acl_plugin.so is not portable!

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib21_fts_squat_plugin.la
against the loadable module
*** lib20_fts_plugin.so is not portable!

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib20_mail_log_plugin.la against
the loadable module
*** lib15_notify_plugin.so is not portable!

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib11_imap_quota_plugin.la
against the loadable module
*** lib10_quota_plugin.so is not portable!

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib11_trash_plugin.la against
the loadable module
*** lib10_quota_plugin.so is not portable!

*** Warning: Linking the shared library lib30_imap_zlib_plugin.la
against the loadable module
*** lib20_zlib_plugin.so is not portable!

I have the complete output in a text file. If your interested in seeing it.


On 3/4/2011 3:56 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
> Hi Eric B.
> What OS are You using ?
> (sniffing around there seems to be many libraries that needs to be
> updated in Centos5.5 (both 32 & 64 bit) if Dovecot 2.X will compile)
> Regards,
> Finn
> On 03-03-2011 20:01, Eric Broch wrote:
>> On 3/3/2011 11:39 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>>> Hi Eric B.
>>> I am a bit suprised - You started out some 12 hours ago telling that
>>> You did not know how to do this upgrade !!
>>> And now You're on top of it and has the most dovecot 'tuned' toaster
>>> seen on this site 8-) .
>>> Great work and thanks for the help.
>>> /Finn
>>> On 03-03-2011 18:53, Eric Broch wrote:
>>>> On 3/3/2011 9:33 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Eric.
>>>>> I think You're okay doing the change in dovecot.conf but I have
>>>>> inserted the text from dovecot.org below just in case
>>>>>     * *Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
>>>>>       password, home directory or anything else (but it's good to
>>>>>       give it its own private "dovenull" group)*
>>>>> I'm sure You know the site but in case others need it - here's the
>>>>> link to the page
>>>>> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Upgrading/2.0
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Finn
>>>>> On 03-03-2011 17:17, Eric Broch wrote:
>>>>>>  On 3/3/2011 8:54 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>>>>>> On 03/03/2011 08:36 AM, Finn Buhelt (kirstineslund) wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Eric.
>>>>>>>> What about the 'dovenull' user that is required now or have You changed
>>>>>>>> the default_login_user ?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Finn
>>>>>>> Finn,
>>>>>>> Nice to have you chiming in here, thanks.
>>>>>>> You're running Dovecot v2 I take it? 2.0.9, or earlier?
>>>>>>> Are you subscribed on the qmailtoaster-devel list? Please do if you're
>>>>>>> not already.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Finn,
>>>>>> Thanks, no I did not do either.
>>>>>> But, since you reminded my I added 'default_login_user = dovecot' to
>>>>>> dovecot.conf file
>>>>>> Can you tell me what parameters are necessary when creating 'dovenull' 
>>>>>> user?
>>>>>> Eric
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>>>> or better yet...
>>>> useradd -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false -c 'Dovenull user' dovenull
>>>> Eric
>> I was in fear and trepidation the whole way, Finn. ;-)
>> Anyhow, thanks! And, I couldn't have done anything without the Linux
>> community and all the great folks who write software for this OS.
>> What a Godsend!!!
>> But the real test, for me, will be moving into a production environment.

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