On 07-Mar-11 21:49, Eric Shubert wrote:
Great job, Pak.
Thanks, Toma.
Pak, will you get this incorporated into the wiki?
Ok Eric, it's done but since I just copy-paste as is and re-formatting, I didn't know what that fail2ban meaning (I haven't tried it also) but, I saw something weird. So I would like to ask Sergio, Toma and other who understand fail2ban

you create a filter named /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/vpopmail-fail.conf
but the regex is searching for vchkpw-smtp: password fail ([^)]*) [^@]*@[^:]*:<HOST>
and how come on action you blocking smtp port rather then pop3 port
action   = iptables[name=SMTP, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]

I have change
 logpath = /your/path/to/pop3/logs
 logpath = /var/log/maillog

because that is the log where I can find error "vpopmail user not found" on qmt system

btw I have change
 action = shorewall
 action = iptables[name=SMTP, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
and the question also same, why did you block smtp port for error in pop3 log

I think we need standardize fail2ban rules for QMT

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