Thks Dan,
understand completely, I think I'll work with
And how to lock my users for doesn't to use port
25 ? I want to receive only external mails in port 25 and my clients
to use port 465. Is it the correct way ?
thks again Dan.
Em 20-01-2012 15:41, Dan McAllister escreveu:
Kalil (aka: Kalz):
Port 587 ususlly does NOT force the use of SSL/TLS -- the port is
defined as a "submission" port and is most often used as a
"replacement" for SMTP in environments that otherwise BLOCK port
25 access (like some ISPs do -- allowing port 25 ONLY to their own
SMTP servers and/or relays).
There is another port - 465 - that is another well-known port
defined as SMTPS whose specifications match what you want: a port
that only allows SSL/TLS connections.
OK, that part out of the way, here's how you add one or the other
(NOTE: I take some shortcuts here -- like using tar pipes -- that
some may object to... all I can say is that it works!)
Step 1: Create the supervise folders to make qmail listen on the
additional ports
a) CD to the supervise folder
cd /var/qmail/supervise
b) copy the smtp directory tree into a new tree called submission
(for port 587) and then another called smtp-ssl (for port 465)
for DIR in submission smtp-ssl ; do
mkdir $DIR
chown qmaill:qmail $DIR
chmod 1700 $DIR
tar cvf - -C smtp . | tar xvf - -C $DIR
c) Modify the run scripts in the new folders as below
In the SUBMISSION folder:
BEFORE the exec line at the bottom, add (or modify if they
already exist) the lines:
export SMTPS=0
ON the exec line at the bottom, change the 25 (should
be right after a 0) to 587
1) the exec line usually has continuation marks (line
ends with a \) -- this makes the last several ACTUAL lines one
VIRTUAL line (and improves readability)
2) your installation MAY use a variable (e.g.:
USEPORT) -- if so, look for the line above that ends in "=25"
and change that one!
In the SMTPS folder:
BEFORE the exec line at the bottom, add (or modify if they
already exist) the lines:
export SMTPS=1
ON the exec line at the bottom, change the 25 (should
be right after a 0) to 465
1) the exec line usually has continuation marks (line
ends with a \) -- this makes the last several ACTUAL lines one
VIRTUAL line (and improves readability)
2) your installation MAY use a variable (e.g.:
USEPORT) -- if so, look for the line above that ends in "=25"
and change that one!
If you're UNLIKE like me and you trust users NOT to be the
SOURCE of SPAM, then you can remove any SPAMDYKE or SPAMASSASSIN
processing you may have configured for your standard (open) SMTP
I hope this helps!
Dan McAllister
On 1/20/2012 12:09 PM, Kalil Costa - Brasilsite wrote:
How to configure my qmailtoaster to use port 587 SMTPS
Submission for my clients and port 25 for other servers from
internet ? Some like this....
--CLIENTS----- port smtp/587--------------------->
* *
--CLIENTS ----- port 25 ----***BLOCKED***
Thanks for help
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