
              When we login into qmailadmin for that user below error  is
showing  user quota is in minus.

Email account           Used/Quota(MB)
zzz                        - 2048/unlimited


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 2:40 AM, Dan McAllister <q...@it4soho.com> wrote:

>  On 3/2/2012 9:37 AM, Bharath Chari wrote:
> On Friday 02 March 2012 07:45 PM, rajeshrudramani wrote:
> Hi,
>            In qmail single user when touches 2GB mail box size  was
> showing IMAP error(but user didn't have quota restriction) . For many user
> getting this error in webmail.
> Let's be clear here - in QMT there is no limit to the size of a mailbox,
> except for the storage allocation on the filesystem in which it is stored
> (or the quota established). This is because the Mailbox in QMT is NOT A
> SINGLE FILE - it is a folder, with subfolders used to organize things, and
> each message being a separate file in one of those sub-folders. These are
> called Maildirs.
> THIS IS CONCEPTUALLY DIFFERENT from other mail systems, *esp. Exchange*,
> where a Mailbox is in fact a database that is stored locally on the
> server's fileystem. On those systems, you often run into file size
> limitations (like 2GB for older, 32-bit Exchange servers). Some other
> UNIX-based mail servers also use a database-type of format, usually MBOX
> (which is terrible for today's kinds of e-mail), but also sometimes MySQL.
> So why is the user having a problem? The issue with very large mailboxes
> in this case is being caused by the CLIENT software (or, possibly, as was
> mentioned earlier) by the Courier IMAP server.
> HOWEVER, if you're having trouble in QMT (and assuming courier-imap &
> squirrelmail), and the issue is the number of messages (not really
> size-related), then you can do what I did for a client who assumed that,
> like when he ran into this problem on Exchange, it would take many hours of
> compressing, repairing, and/or re-indexing to fix... My fix (outlined
> below) took 10 minutes total!
> I simply went into his Maildir inbox and created new Maildir folders for
> each year (he had 8 years worth of e-mails). (NOTE: These were Maildir
> folders, so each had a cur, new, and tmp sub-folder). Lastly, I used the
> find command to move everything dated 2005 from the Inbox cur folder to the
> new 2005 sub-folder (again, actually to the *cur *subdirectory).. then I
> did it again for 2006 and so on up to 2010... I left him with only 2011 and
> 2012 messages in his actual inbox, then forced Courier to rebuild the
> message indicies for each (by removing the old indices and re-accessing
> from the client). Solved his Squirrelmail problem instantly... (NOTE:
> Outlook creates a pseudo-PST file for each IMAP account -- and it being a
> PST file, it has the limits of a PST file in that version of outlook... so
> this solution may not work for everyone in every "giant inbox" situation...)
> One final note - for this same user, I had to do the same to his Sent
> folder -- similiarly HUGE after 8 years of use!
> I hope this helps some...
> Dan
> --
> PO Box 507
> St. Petersburg, FL 33731-0507
>   877-IT4SOHO
> We have support plans for QMail!


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