On 4/5/2012 1:12 AM, Amir Abbasi wrote:
This question is related to a customized Qmail (not Toaster) with a GUI panel but concepts are similar. When I want to disable catch-all (it is pointing to an e-mail address now), all e-mail will stuck in queue and what I see in maillog is as below: delivery 11163: deferral: Unable_to_switch_to_/usr/local/qmail/shared/mailnames/b/cb/642/CATCH-ALL/:_file_does_not_exist._(#4.3.0)/ I found that the catch-all user tried to move messages to CATCH-ALL directory (it's homedir), but it does not exist as I disabled catch-all in GUI panel. Previously, CATCH-ALL folder includes a .qmail file with the catch-all address:
&u...@domain.com <mailto:&u...@domain.com>
How can I force that to delete message? Can I enter a single "&" or "#"? What about "| /dev/null" pattern?
Thanks in advance.
Not quite, but since you're apparently not using vpopmail, perhaps the easiest thing may be to do something similar: pipe it to a program that will do nothing (/dev/null cannot be executed). (In vpopmail, you would use '*| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail "" delete*')

So, changing your offending .qmail to read '*| /bin/true*' would accomplish what you're looking for -- a fast, non-messy way to simply throw away the messages.

Just to be complete, the format of the .qmail requires one of 4 characters in column 1:
 # = comment line (line is ignored)
 | = deliver as stream to a program (often, vpopmail!)
& = deliver to another email address
/ = deliver to an mbox (if the entry does NOT end in a /) or a Maildir (if the entry DOES end in a /) also: the file is not allowed to start with a blank line -- but other blank lines are acceptable

Also, remember the permissions restrictions on .qmail -- if it is executable, you can only really set mail addresses (# and & lines only!), and if it's writable by anyone other than the owner, qmail-local will not process it at all...

That should about cover your .qmail behaviors! :-)

I hope this helped!

Dan McAllister


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