Dear Cecil Yother,

1> You need to get simliar version of Mysql Ready on another  New Linux PC. 
2> then stop mysql and rename /var/lib/mysql to /var/lib/mysql_new
3> and copy from old HDD /var/lib/mysql  to new-Linux PC 
4> start mysql  you should be able to access mysql with old password
5> take a mysql Dump from this..and then restore it to new-server where you are having new qmail.

- Deepen Dhulla
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
Skype: callto://deependhulla

On Monday, 07-05-2012 on 23:45 Postmaster wrote:
Did you have a regular dump of your mysql as a backup?


On 07/05/2012 19:49, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:
I have had to move a server from a colo.  The server motherboard was damaged.  I need to retrieve the mysql databases and only have access to the hd from another system.  Can this be done?  If so how?


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