On 05/21/2012 11:46 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 05/21/2012 11:24 AM, Cecil Yother, Jr. wrote:
It resolves to the correct address, but will not answer.  I just added
the LAN address, ie.


  to the httpd.conf file and now it answers and I'm able to access the
pages, but it's not answering them via the WAN.

That's nothing to do with name resolution. It's a problem with apache config. Have you tried
Listen *:80

It was Listen *:80 and didn't work, but it still doesn't answer to the WAN which it should.  I know the WAN address works since I can use a proxy server or access from my home without issue.  It's not a big deal since I can do what I need to, but the setup is not working as expected and I want to know why.
I hesitate to ask this, but what's the point of using 2 nics on a web server this way?

Because server management, and file transfers are faster using the LAN.


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