Greetings all...

As most of you know, we have a group of servers that volunteers provide that act as our mirror servers.

My project plan calls for 8-10 mirrors spread throughout the globe, and currently we have volunteers in:
  mirror2 -> Europe - AG
  mirror3 -> Europe - UK
  mirror4 -> USA - East
  mirror5 -> USA - West
  mirror7 -> USA - West
  mirror8 -> Europe - DK
  mirror9 -> USA - West

If you count, you'll see that we have currently 7 mirrors, and NONE are in Africa, Asia, or Australia.
I do have a volunteer from Africa, but they're not setup yet...
but I'm also anticipating losing one of the US - West servers in the next 2 months.

As a result, I'm requesting additional volunteers to act as mirror servers -- *particularly from those of you in Asia, Australia, or the Eastern US/Canada*

Thanks in advance -- I know I'll get volunteers -- this is indeed a AWESOME project to be a part of!

Best Regards,

Dan McAllister


PO Box 507
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-0507


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