Has anyone ever heard of Kloxo?  used it?  comments?

I have installed it and have started to play with it, but no feedback yet. 

The reason I bring this up is, they claim they are using qmail toaster as their MTA.  With several other nice features built in along with a complete administration control panel.  Similar to what you got with the .iso that Jake created when you installed the included Webmin.

Here is what the website says. 

Web Services Function
apache (2.x) The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful, efficient, and extensible web server.
php (5.2.x) PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language.
pure-ftpd Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, secure and standard-comformant FTP server especially designed for modern Linux and FreeBSD kernels.
awstats Web Statistics

Mail Services Function
qmail-toaster qmail is a small, fast, secure replacement for the sendmail package, which is the program that actually receives, routes, and delivers electronic mail.
courier-imap-toaster Courier-IMAP is an IMAP server for Maildir mailboxes.
vpopmail vpopmail is a collection of programs and a library to automate the creation and maintence of virtual domain email for qmail installations.
Roundcube Webmail (Ajax)
Horde Webmail

DNS Services Function
bind BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS (Domain Name System) protocols.
bind-chroot Secures BIND server

Database Service Function
mysql-server MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server.

Just thought I'd mention it.  It seems like a very nice LAMP solution all in one package.  I know there are others, but this one uses qmail and is fast compared to ClearOS that I've tried before.


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