On 07/31/2012 06:20 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 07/31/2012 03:42 AM, Philip wrote:
There is a bug in the check of the dependencies
(was testing on an old qmail but still working:))

error: Failed dependencies:
         perl(NetAddr::IP) >= 4.000 is needed by

Module id = NetAddr::IP
     DESCRIPTION  Manipulation and operations on IP addresses
     CPAN_USERID  LUISMUNOZ (Luis Munoz<luismu...@cpan.org>)
     CPAN_VERSION 4.062
     CPAN_FILE    M/MI/MIKER/NetAddr-IP-4.062.tar.gz
     UPLOAD_DATE  2012-06-06
MANPAGE NetAddr::IP - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
     INST_VERSION 4.062


I've added perl(NetAddr::IP) to qtp-dependencies script. It will be included in the next QTP release.

Thanks Philip.

Hello Eric
actually that's not the problem :)
(NetAddr::IP) is installed on my little play box --->> INST_VERSION 4.062

But installed through CPAN and  not from any repo
I didnt have time to check at the spec file yet
to see where the depends and requirements are

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