On 07/31/2012 11:36 AM, Richard Vinke wrote:
On 07/31/2012 05:15 PM, Richard Vinke wrote:
I changed:
   * removed the RELAYCLIENT and did =qmailctl cdb=
   * changed /var/qmail/control/spfbehavior from 3 to 1 and did
=qmailctl restart=
Mail is dripping in!

But, I changed it back, did the =qmailctl cdb= and =qmailctl restart=,
and still the mail is dripping in....


At least, my problem is solved.


The SPF problem is extremely intermittent, and difficult to reproduce. Many people run with SPF 3 and don't notice a problem. I suspect it *may* be related to a malformed SPF record (which is part of the sender domain's DNS) that triggers the problem with QMT's SPF implementation. That's just a guess though. BL is that the difference between SPF 1 and SPF 3 is negligible, especially with spamdyke implemented. FWIW, I'm hoping that one day spamdyke will implement SPF and DKIM checking, but don't look for that enhancement any time this year. Sam's presently pretty busy with other things.

-Eric 'shubes'

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