There must be something a bit peculiar about this host then, or perhaps the combination of packages being updated.

Let's try upgrading something simple first, by itself. Please try upgrading only qmailmrtg-toaster, by itself.

If that's successful, try autorespond-toaster by itself.

If that's successful, then try spamassassin-toaster, clamav-toaster and simscan-toaster all together.

If those are all successful, please post output from qtp-ami-up2date again, and we'll go from there.

Let us know where/if you get stuck with this. Oh, and please post output from qtp-whatami as well.


-Eric 'shubes'

On 10/20/2012 06:28 PM, G V wrote:

On 10/20/2012 8:39 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 10/19/2012 09:29 PM, G V wrote:
Just tried again. Removed rpms from both those directories and also
Confirmed sandbox was not mounted before starting then mounted it while
running qtp-newmodel.

You should let qtp-newmodel create a *new* sandbox, not simply mount
one that's already there. Changes you make to the base system are not
reflected in the sandbox.
I believe I am using a new sandbox. There is no sandbox mounted when I
start and I select defaults.

I did notice that apart from updating packages it was also installing
control-panel-toaster which I did not have installed previously.
Also noticed in

so this package is installed in i686 directory while

Building control-panel-toaster-0.5-1.4.0 ...
already exists,
control-panel-toaster-0.5-1.4.0 not rebuilt
Installing control-panel-toaster-0.5-1.4.0 in the sandbox ...
not an rpm package (or package manifest):

is installing in noarch directory. Does this matter?

Doesn't matter. It'll pick the appropriate type/directory.

I still have the feeling that you're not starting with a fresh/new
sandbox, because of the "already exists" message. Until you use a
fresh/new sandbox, this message will persist.

Are you using the default answer for this:
Shall we build a new sandbox at /mnt/qtp-sandbox? [y]/n:
and do you get this message?:
I select y
echo "Removing sandbox at /mnt/qtp-sandbox

Are you using the unionfs sandbox type?
again yes.

On 10/19/2012 2:31 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
Are you sure you deleted the rpm from /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i686/? This
is separate from the ones in /usr/src/qtp-upgrade/old-rpms/.

Does qtp-newmodel rebuild the binary rpm in the sandbox, or say that
it already exists?

On 10/19/2012 02:08 PM, G V wrote:
Yes I have tried unmounting sandbox and recreating. I have also tried
deleting rpms and also srpms.
Still no go.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Eric Shubert <> wrote:
Did you have qtp-newmodel create a new sandbox after doing so? I
you'll need to do so.

On 10/19/2012 10:29 AM, G V wrote:

Thanks for the response. I have already tried that.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Aleksander Podsiadły

Dnia 2012-10-19, pią o godzinie 06:02 -0700, George pisze:


Remove file
and try again.

mgr inż. Aleksander Podsiadły
st. informatyk gminy
Urząd Gminy w Mniowie
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