On 12/06/2012 09:24 AM, Diana Calder wrote:
Anyone using something other than Squirrelmail for webmail with
Qmailtoaster? I'm working my way through researching the options
listed in the Wiki but I'd like to get some feedback from someone
who's actually using one of the alternative webmail packages. So far,
it looks like atmail is gone (the free community version, at least),
and AfterLogic lite, eGroupware, Horde, and RoundCube all look like
they're worth taking a deeper look at.

I'd prefer something that looks a little less dated than Squirrelmail
and that has a good mobile interface. Our Intranet is a hosted Noodle
instance, so I'm not really interested in extra bells and whistles
like calendars and such - just good solid email features like a decent
address book (though a nice shared one in addition to personal ones
would be nice), the ability to set a vacation response, basic
filtering, and allowing individual users to change their password.
eGroupware is probably overkill for our needs and even Horde may be a
little over the top - but they're also the two nicest looking. I'll be
continuing to research but some helpful comments from the Qmailtoaster
community would be greatly appreciated.

Hoping for some good recommendations,


I have been using RoundCube and I'm very pleased with it.  You can set it up and use it simultaneously with Squirrelmail.   I have used Horde and I liked it, but it's difficult to setup and I found it to be buggy.  Things worked when it was set up and then magically didn't work with no explanation and the Horde mailing list needs to take lessons from the toaster list, ;)

Atmail free was short on features, you're not missing anything.


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