On 12/19/12 14:38, Fernando Endangan wrote:
Hi Everyone,
> Did anyone try doing a mail relay? Like a separate SMTP server and
> how to secure it from spam. Thanks and would appreciate this guys.
> Yours, Butch
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I have separated smtp server from pop3/mx server
the installation is the same with standard qmailtoaster but you are not add domain to it still your smtp server need to be connected to your pop3 server, so it have the config for reading email account/pass

on smtp server you will need to configure:
- /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql point to same mysql server/db as your pop3 configuration (copy paste will do)
- /var/qmail/users/assign also the same (copy paste will do)

other than those files, I forgot what files need to configure for smtp server connect to pop3 server

ps: you should also tune files below to allow communication between those two server and have identical config
- /var/qmail/control/*
- /etc/mail/spamassassin/*
- /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp

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