ok that worked! Thanks!!!!

It still had an issue with perl repo being installed near the end but that 
didn't stop the update. so I just manually installed it.

Just a note, I don't like that I had to reinstall spamdyke and such but it all 
came out ok. Plus it completely re-wrote my qmail run files so all my changes 
there had to be redone.

I'm getting one further NOT related to the newmodel update though...

when I run simscanmk -g I get:
LibClamAV Error: cli_cvdverify: Can't read CVD header

Any ideas on this one?

Maybe I need to clean out the virus database directory and have it re-download 

> From: Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net>
>To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com 
>Sent: Saturday, February 9, 2013 9:59 AM
>Subject: [qmailtoaster] Re: qtp-newmodel issue
>That's mirror3.qmailtoaster.com which appears to have a problem. To 
>curcumvent the problem, you could hard code one of the other mirrors in 
>your /etc/hosts file temporarily.
>shubes@edwin:~$ host mirrors.qmailtoaster.com
>mirrors.qmailtoaster.com has address
>mirrors.qmailtoaster.com has address
>mirrors.qmailtoaster.com has address
>mirrors.qmailtoaster.com has address
>So add in /etc/hosts:
> mirrors.qmailtoaster.com
>and that will lock you in to that mirror (which is mirror1).
>Dan's done a great job of managing DNS and mirrors, and has some 
>notification scripts running which detect problems with mirrors. I'm 
>sure he'll be jumping in on this to get a better resolution.
>Many thanks to Dan and our volunteer mirror sites. BTW, we could use a 
>few more mirrors. This doesn't really take much in the way of resources 
>to do, so if you can provide a mirror for the project, that would be a 
>good way to contribute to the community. Hop on over to the mirrors list 
>(mirr...@qmailtoaster.com) and we'll get you going!
>Thanks again.
>-Eric 'shubes'
>On 02/08/2013 04:37 PM, Josh Bowling wrote:
>> If all else fails, you could always download them manually with wget or
>> even from your PC and the scp the package to your server.
>> Strange how it resolves correctly, but can't find the data. Are you sure
>> the servers weren't just having issues at that time? Maybe try again.
>> On Feb 9, 2013 5:08 AM, "LHTek" <dennywjo...@yahoo.com
>> <mailto:dennywjo...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>>     I'm having an issue running qtp-newmodel.
>>     I get 404 errors while it's trying to resolve the mirror for the
>>     SpamAssassin repo.
>>     Any ideas how to sleuth this?
>>     Here is the output I'm getting:
>>     Getting source packages ...(this may take a while)
>>     vpopmail-toaster-5.4.33-1.4.0.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
>>     qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.22.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
>>     courier-authlib-toaster-0.59.2-1.3.10.src.rpm is already downloaded,
>>     bypassed
>>     courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.10.src.rpm is already downloaded,
>>     bypassed
>>     qmailadmin-toaster-1.2.16-1.4.0.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
>>     qmailmrtg-toaster-4.2-1.3.7.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
>>     Downloading spamassassin-toaster-3.3.2-1.4.3.src.rpm
>>     --2013-02-08 14:05:17--
>>    http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.net/spamassassin-toaster-3.3.2-1.4.3.src.rpm
>>     Resolving mirrors.qmailtoaster.net...,,
>> <tel:>, ...
>>     Connecting to mirrors.qmailtoaster.net
>>     <http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.net>||:80... connected.
>>     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>>     2013-02-08 14:05:19 ERROR 404: Not Found.
>>     Download of
>>    http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.net/spamassassin-toaster-3.3.2-1.4.3.src.rpm
>>     failed - Exiting.
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