thanks very much brent

that worked great.

i am using the foxhole_all.cdb in case anybody is interested

since 99 percent viruses are coming zipped format with exe, scr etc the
best solution is to prevent anybody from sending these via emails zipped
or otherwise.


> On 11/05/2013 12:14 PM, Rajesh M wrote:
>> hi
>> am using qmailtoaster
>> i installed sanesecurity from qtp-menu
>> i chkd the file
>> i noted that foxhole db is not installed
>> i wish that any zip file containing any exe, scr and other disallowed
>> extensions are detected as virus immaterial of whether they contain
>> virus
>> or not.
>> i plan to use the foxhole_generic.cdb
>> so how do i activate foxhole signatures.
>> rajesh
> Installing sanesecurity from qtp-menu adds an updater script to the
> system that is run at regular intervals that downloads SaneSecurity
> signature databases.  By default, it's not configured to download the
> foxhole signature databases.
> You'll need to add an entry in /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs.conf
> There's a section that starts like this:
>      # ========================
>      # Sanesecurity Database(s)
>      # ========================
> In this section, there's a statement:
>      ss_dbs="
>         <lots of>
>         <signature>
>         <db names>
>      "
> Simply add foxhole_generic.cdb to this statement on a line by itself
> between the quotes and the system will download the database the next
> time the updater runs.
> Regards,
> Brent Gardner
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