Thanks Dave. This is a big help.

On 12/19/2013 01:15 PM, System Admin wrote:
Update of my test  install, Centos 6.5 bare metal, not VM
*What worked for me:*
Clean install, minimal
yum update
yum install yum-priorities
rpm -ivh
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/qmailtoaster-centos.repo
** edit the two repo files in " testing "**
*enable =1*

Alternatively you can use "--enablerepo=qmailtoaster-testing" in each yum command. The nodist repo is only needed for installing qmailtoaster-util (replacement for qmailtoaster-plus), which contains the install scripts, most importantly (at this point) being qt-install-repoforge, which allows yum to pick up packages from there automatically.

yum install autorespond
yum install libsrs2 libsrs2-devel libvpopmail-devel

Note, you do not need any of the QMT -devel packages. They're used strictly for building the binary rpms. Anything with dynamic libraries (such as libsrs2) will have the needed libraries in the base (non-devel) package.

rpm -ivh

This is picked up automatically by yum once you've run

groupadd vchkpw
useradd vpopmail

These should be done in the %post section of vpopmail. If something fails because these aren't there, then that package is missing a dependency on vpopmail.

yum install qmail qmailadmin
yum install clamav control-panel
yum install mailadmin isoqlog libdomainkeys maildrop qmailmrtgb vqadmin
ripmime squirrelmail

*What Failed:*
How I fixed dovecot:
yum install perl-JSON
rpm -Uvh
yum install dovecot dovecot-devel dovecot-mysql

You shouldn't need dovecot-devel, nor dovecot-mysql. The QMT config for dovecot uses the libvpopmail.a static library, which is hard linked into the dovecot executables. Note, eventually we may see a dovecot-vpopmail package if/when I modify vpopmail to provide a shared library (which would be nice). Presently, libvpopmail is only available as a .a static library. You'll see packages which use this requiring libvpopmail-static for building (BuildRequires, but not Requires), which is according to Fedora packaging conventions.

perl-JSON-XS will be found by yum in repoforge.

*Simscan and spamassasin both same errors*: ( not fixed )
inished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: spamassassin-3.3.2-0.qt.el6.x86_64 (qmailtoaster-testing)
            Requires: perl(Razor2::Client::Agent)

This is perl-Razor-Client-Agent in repoforge. I've fixed the dependency.

Error: Package: spamassassin-3.3.2-0.qt.el6.x86_64 (qmailtoaster-testing)
            Requires: perl(Mail::DomainKeys)
Error: Package: spamassassin-3.3.2-0.qt.el6.x86_64 (qmailtoaster-testing)
            Requires: perl(Mail::SPF::Query)
Error: Package: spamassassin-3.3.2-0.qt.el6.x86_64 (qmailtoaster-testing)
            Requires: perl(Net::Ident)

These are all in repoforge.

  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
  You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
**send-emails* ( not fixed )
finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: send-emails-0.5-0.qt.el6.x86_64 (qmailtoaster-testing)
            Requires: control-panel-toaster >= 0.5-0.qt.el6
Tried yum install control-panel-toaste, *no package*

This was an errant dependency that I missed, which I just now fixed.

*At least we are getting there : )**
**Also noted mysql-server not installed *

yum install mysql-server
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
( set pasword for root )
mysqladmin create vpopmail -u root -p
login to mysql
mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vpopmail.* TO vpopmail@localhost IDENTIFIED BY
flush privileges;

This should be handled by vpopmail. I've changed the dependency to mysql-server instead of simply mysql. That should fix it.

*NTP* ( time servers )
yum install ntp
  /etc/init.d/ntpd start
ntpdate -p 8 -u

This is something that the qt-install script will probably handle, along with a DNS recursor (allowing the installer to pick bind or pdnsr).

So far thats where I am at: )
Dave M

I've made all the above changes, built the new rpms, and modifications will be in all the mirrors within an hour. mirror1 has them now if anyone needs them right away.

That's a big help Dave. Thanks!

-Eric 'shubes'

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