On 12/27/2013 08:47 AM, Amit Dalia wrote:

I know this query has been raised many times till know but unable to get
it on QMT as it was not that priority. But now this got me a bit top
priority as I'm about to loose 1 of my biggest client for the same.
I got some useful resources over the internet but yet unsuccessful. If
any one else can give small thought on the same may be we can have
disclaimer functionality in our QMT.

Below are certain URLs on how they have integrate disclaimer with qmail



If it were me, I'd use the second link's approach, as it appears to allow for multiple domains. I'm not sure how or where the QMAILHOST variable gets set with the domain name though, so this may or may not work as it appears.

There's a bit of a problem you may or may not come across, depending on your requirements and how you've set things up. That problem is, how do determine which messages get tagged.

The first link uses the tcp.smtp file to plug in the qmail-disclaimer script into the QMAILQUEUE based on a local subnet. This is fine so long as everyone who submits messages is doing so from the specified LAN. The same could be be achieved with webmail clients. This approach falls apart though if there are road warriors (people submitting messages from the internet or mobile devices).

It's also unclear to me what this process does after appending the disclaimer, so scanning messages for viruses may or may not be done.

The second link sets the QMAILQUEUE variable in the run script for the qmail-smtpd process. This is fine so long as it's done in the submission/run file, and all users use port 587 for submission. The way it's written up though, it appears to me that all incoming messages for the domain would be tagged with the disclaimer as well. This may be what was intended, but I would think this would only be appropriate for outbound messages.

Also keep in mind that any disclaimer will affect the DomainKey or DKIM signature, so if you're using either of these for the domain in question, you need to be careful to have the disclaimer done first.

If I were attempting this, I'd set up a dedicated VM for this customer that handles submissions for this domain. That way you'll be able to more easily isolate the impact of this, as well as controlling the process (tagging only outbound messages). This host would need a dedicated IP address of course. Note, having a separate submission server isn't a bad idea in any case.

Again, I don't see this feature being included in the stock QMT for quite some time. Please contact me off list though if you'd like to contract me to develop this for you. I can probably find some time to do it in the next month.

-Eric 'shubes'

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