Have you tried setting it up as 'mail1_user'@'mail.avits.ca' ? Because that's the one being specified... MySQL is very picky on this.

On 12/04/2014 0:53, Richard Whittaker wrote:

I'm following Jake's video on setting up a replicating toaster setup, and have hit a pretty solid brick wall, and can't figure out how to get around it.

I have the 2 MySQL servers setup, and running. Replication seems to be working fine in one direction, but not in the other.

The slave thread on server1 fails with this error:

140411 15:02:27 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 'mail1_user@': Error: 'Access denied for user 'mail1_user'@'mail.avits.ca' (using password: YES)' errno: 1045 retry-time: 60 retries: 86400

I know the grants on server2 are setup on the target database. I have tried specific IP address and wildcard, and neither has worked.

mysql> show grants for "mail1_user";
| Grants for mail1_user@% |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'mail1_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'blah' | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show grants for "mail1_user"@"";
| Grants for mail1_user@ |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'mail1_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'blah' | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I can connect using the MySQL client as the use mail1_user and that password with no issues.

Thoughts, suggestions?


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