Monday, June 30, 2014, 1:21:28 PM, Eric wrote:

> You shouldn't have a /var/qmail/supervise/log directory. I think if you
> simply remove it (or move it aside to /root/ perhaps) then you'll be fine.

I DIDN'T have one when the errors started. I also checked an old
snapshot of the Qmail server and it didn't have one either. Despite
that, I tried creating one to see if it would resolve the problem. No
such luck, so I removed it again.

> Here's what I have in mine (COS6 with new packages):
> [root@tacs-mail ~]# ls -l /var/qmail/supervise/
> total 20
> drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr  7 10:24 clamd
> drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 send
> drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 smtp
> drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr  7 14:58 spamd
> drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 submission

Yes, I have the same directories actually present:

[root@qmail ~]# ls -l /var/qmail/supervise
total 20
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Jun 30 10:00 clamd
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar  4 10:15 send
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr 11 12:13 smtp
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Jun 23 10:35 spamd
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr 11 15:39 submission

Still getting the same error:

[root@qmail ~]# qmailctl start
Starting qmail-toaster: svscan.
[root@qmail ~]# supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist

*sigh* Even though mail seems to be working, all is obviously not well
with the server. Memory stays maxed out at 8Gb and the CPU
at 100%.

Here's my qmail startup script:

[root@qmail ~]# cat /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail
# qmailStartup script for QmailToaster MTA
# chkconfig: 345 55 45
# description: Qmailtoaster MTA
# Udated May 19, 2006
# Nick Hemmesch <>

# Source function library.
if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ]; then
  . /etc/init.d/functions
elif [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
  . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

export PATH

case "$1" in
    # have a silent kill in case someone tries to start the service when it
    # is already running
    $0 stop >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo -n "Starting qmail-toaster: svscan"
    cd /var/qmail/supervise
    env - PATH="$PATH" svscan &
    echo $! > /var/run/
    touch /var/lock/subsys/qmail
    echo "."
    echo -n "Stopping qmail-toaster: svscan"
    kill `cat /var/run/`
    echo -n " qmail"
    svc -dx /var/qmail/supervise/*
    echo -n " logging"
    svc -dx /var/qmail/supervise/*/log
    echo "."
    rm -rf /var/run/
    rm -rf /var/lock/subsys/qmail
    cd /var/qmail/supervise
    svstat * */log
    echo "Sending ALRM signal to qmail-send."
    svc -a /var/qmail/supervise/send
    echo "Sending HUP signal to qmail-send."
    svc -h /var/qmail/supervise/send
    echo "Pausing qmail-send"
    svc -p /var/qmail/supervise/send
    echo "Pausing qmail-smtpd"
    svc -p /var/qmail/supervise/smtp
    echo "Continuing qmail-send"
    svc -c /var/qmail/supervise/send
    echo "Continuing qmail-smtpd"
    svc -c /var/qmail/supervise/smtp
    echo "Restarting qmail:"
    echo "* Stopping qmail-smtpd."
    svc -d /var/qmail/supervise/smtp
    echo "* Sending qmail-send SIGTERM and restarting."
    svc -t /var/qmail/supervise/send
    echo "* Restarting qmail-smtpd."
    svc -u /var/qmail/supervise/smtp
    tcprules /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.tmp < 
    chmod 644 /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp*
    echo "Reloaded /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp"
    if [ -f /var/qmail/bin/qmail-badmimetypes ] ; then
echo "Reloaded /var/qmail/control/badmimetypes.cdb";
    if [ -f /var/qmail/bin/qmail-badloadertypes ] ; then
echo "Reloaded /var/qmail/control/badloadertypes.cdb";
    if [ -f /var/qmail/bin/simscanmk ] ; then
        /var/qmail/bin/simscanmk -g >/dev/null 2>&1;
echo "Reloaded /var/qmail/control/simversions.cdb";
if [ -f /var/qmail/control/simcontrol ] ; then
           /var/qmail/bin/simscanmk >/dev/null 2>&1;
   echo "Reloaded /var/qmail/control/simcontrol.cdb";
    cat <<HELP 
   stop -- stops mail service (smtp connections refused, nothing goes out)
  start -- starts mail service (smtp connection accepted, mail can go out)
  pause -- temporarily stops mail service (connections accepted, nothing leaves)
   cont -- continues paused mail service
   stat -- displays status of mail service
    cdb -- rebuild the tcpserver cdb file for smtp
restart -- stops and restarts smtp, sends qmail-send a TERM & restarts it
doqueue -- sends qmail-send ALRM, scheduling queued messages for delivery
 reload -- sends qmail-send HUP, rereading locals and virtualdomains
  queue -- shows status of queue
   alrm -- same as doqueue
    hup -- same as reload
    echo "Usage: $0 
    exit 1

exit 0

I must be missing something but I can't figure out what. I don't see
anything here that should be causing the problem.

I've never paid very close attention to qmailctl stat results other
than up or not, but it looks to me like maybe clamd and spamd are
repeatedly stopping and restarting? They never seem to go above a few
(less than 10) seconds.

[root@qmail ~]# qmailctl stat
clamd: up (pid 12991) 1 seconds
send: up (pid 12874) 46 seconds
smtp: up (pid 12877) 46 seconds
spamd: up (pid 12878) 46 seconds
submission: up (pid 12879) 46 seconds
clamd/log: up (pid 12873) 46 seconds
send/log: up (pid 12876) 46 seconds
smtp/log: up (pid 12872) 46 seconds
spamd/log: up (pid 12992) 0 seconds
submission/log: up (pid 12880) 46 seconds
[root@qmail ~]# supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist

So, I have a server throwing a hissy fit and a holiday tomorrow.
Hopefully, it doesn't melt down before I find a fix.

> Note for posterity, clamav and spamd are very soon to be changed to use
> syslogd and initd instead of supervise and multilog. This is in 
> preparation for COS7, which will be using systemd, at which point 
> daemontools and ucscp-tcp will no longer be used by QMT.

The less custom stuff that has to be added to a system for QMT, the
better, as far as I'm concerned.

Best regards,
 Diana Calder               
Automation Technician            (519) 776-5241 x.131
Essex County Library
Essex, ON

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