On 09/23/2014 08:12 AM, Rajesh M. wrote:
hi Eric

i have started using the qt 64 bit which we discussed a week ago.

i have migrated around 20 users currently

this server is going to eventually have around 3000+ users

in the dovecot log i am **randomly** seeing these error.

Sep 23 20:18:54 auth-worker: Error: vmysql: sql error[3]: Table 
'vpopmail.users' doesn't exist
Sep 23 20:18:54 auth-worker: Error: Attempting to rebuild connection to SQL 
Sep 23 20:18:54 auth-worker: Error: vmysql: connection rebuild failed: Table 
'vpopmail.users' doesn't exist

mysql version is 5.5.

1) could you please let me know the cause for the above error ?

I can only guess. I expect that you'll need to tune mysql to handle more connections. I don't know off hand exactly how to do that, but I expect that some folks here have done this already.

2) what kind of changes would be required to the
/etc/dovecot/toaster.conf to support 3000+ users

I believe some here are running QMT hosts with numbers of users in that ballpark. Anyone?

my current machine is a dell hexcore, 16 gb ram

I would think that'd be plenty of horsepower.

my earlier 32 bit machine (dovecot for imap only) has these settings for imap
service_count = 0
client_limit = 256
process_min_avail = 4
vsz_limit = 256M
process_limit = 400

I'd start with that and tune from there. The stock QMT settings have not been optimized in any way.

I have on my QMT to-do list (which I've been meaning to post on github) a task for doing performance tuning/scaling of dovecot. I believe some others here have gone through this already.



-Eric 'shubes'

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