ok thanks Eric

On 2/23/2015 10:49 AM, Eric Broch wrote:

All my installs were on VM's, specifically, vmdk(?), under proxmox.


On 2/23/2015 10:42 AM, Dave M wrote:
Playing with VM`s again, so I will do a test build with this also,


Dave M

On 2/23/2015 10:33 AM, Eric Broch wrote:

Hi again, Johannes.

Thanks again for the phone number. I got a hold of Eric S. He's well,
has been busy of late and will be back on the list when time allows.

Also, I discussed with him my work on COS7 hosted QMT so as not to step
on his toes as QMT lead. I'd like to make it available in the testing
repos but have to get it onto Github first.
Be patient as the inner workings of Github don't come naturally to me.

In the mean time I've written two install scripts, qt_prep.sh and
qt_install.sh, for a COS7/QMT install modeled after EricS's COS6
scripts. These should be run AFTER  a COS7 minimal install(Compatibility
Libraries, Development Tools checked). All the packages are installed
from my server, NOT the testing repo. I did this for my benefit in
testing. I've tested these scripts three times with a successful install
on all three occasions and a running QMT host. This is for TESTING only
and is not the official QMT release.

The procedure:

1) Download and run qt_prep.sh:
     # curl
ftp://ftp.whitehorsetc.com/pub/qmail/CentOS7/qmt/scripts/qt_prep.sh >
     # ./qt_prep.sh
2) After the reboot:
     # ./qt_install.sh

qt_prep.sh turns off selinux and downloads qt_install.sh

Hopefully, if there are any takers, this will install for you as easily
as it did for me.

Things to note (not in any particular order):
1) Many of the dependencies come from the EPEL repo which is
automatically installed by qt_install.sh
2) If one views qt_install.sh the differences between COS6 & COS7 will
become obvious.
3) The source files are also available at
ftp://ftp.whitehorsetc.com/pub/qmail/CentOS7/qmt/srpms/ if anyone is
interested in looking at the specs and the changes I made to them. It
would make me feel    better if their were more sets of eyes examining
the changes I made.
4) The longest part of the install, at least while the QMT packages are
installing, is the download of the ClamAV databases, during clamav
install, which are necessary for the ClamAV daemon to start.
5) I include DSPAM and Unison as options in the install because I use
6) Send, smtp, submission and their respective logging are all still
running under daemontools, not systemd, for now.
7 Finally, I'm hoping to have this in the official testing repo within
the next week or so (*crossing my fingers*).

Anyway, the process takes about 30 minutes give or take.


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