I never saw a reply to this, so I’ll pipe up here
When you “lose a domain” but need to keep “supporting” that domain (e.g. so users can still get to their old mail), the thing to do is to create a rule that forwards messages addressed to that domain to the correct server. Step 1: Remove the domain from the list of LOCAL DOMAINS (see /var/qmail/control/[locals | rcpthosts | virtualdomains] Step 2: Create a rule to forward mail for that domain to the correct server (entry in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes) To explain: In Step 1 we had to remove the local-delivery mechanism for 4444.tv – that is, STOP processing mail received by SMTP as-if we were a valid server for that domain In Step 2 we had to tell the server just what to do with mail from that domain. See our wiki (http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/Smtproutes) for a full explanation of smtproutes, and know that QMT already includes the qmail-remote-auth patch mentioned NOTES: - If you still wish to receive mail for that domain, but just forward it to the other server, you can do so by restoring the entry in rcpthosts - If you are worried about SPF or other types of issues that this kind of forwarding can cause, create a “back channel” connection. This takes advantage of QMT’s allowing any authorized user to send mail as any user they want! To do this, just add account authentication on the end of the smtproutes entry. I hope you find this useful Dan McAllister IT4SOHO From: Jim Shupert [mailto:jshup...@pps-inc.com] Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 5:21 PM To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com Subject: [qmailtoaster] temporarily disable a domain Friends I wish to temporarily disable or sever a domain on my qmailtoaster I have 4 domains 1111.com 2222.com 3333.com 4444.tv and 4444.tv is being moved ( maybe ) In truth the folks who "are" 4444.tv are having thier mail going to a rackspace mail providing service /server so you could say i am losing them as a client ... they have changed thier A record & the dns But they are in the same bldging - the users are inside the same router / firewall. ( 4444.tv is a division of a master company that is 1111.com ) my goal is to disable "my" 4444.tv so that all the world sees the rackspace 4444.tv I see under Qmail Toaster Admin http://mailhost.aaaa.com/mail/vqadmin/toaster.vqadmin?nav=view_domain <http://mailhost.aaaa.com/mail/vqadmin/toaster.vqadmin?nav=view_domain&dname=4444.tv> &dname=4444.tv 6 check boxes Disable pop access Disable imap access Disable dialup access Disable change password Disable web access Disable email relay if I check Disable pop access Disable imap access ( or all six ) and click Modify Domain will "my" 4444.tv effectively be "turned OFF" and I could then , if i wish to , unCheck & Modify Domain there by turn it "on" thanks sorry this is a wacky Q