Hello all,

Two nights ago I received a message from my qmail server regarding the daily qtp-sa-update job, which seems to have completed but with some odd behavior.

In the message are a series of failures to parse lines, all related to financial institutions.

Example: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in "/tmp/.spamassassin17443CwxpRxtmp/72_active.cf": uridnsbl_skip_domain 1stnationalbank.com

I haven't noticed any other problems, spamassassin is running without error. I did some poking around online but couldn't find anything that resembled what I'm seeing here.

I'm running toaster 0.3.2-1.4.21, clamav-0.99.2, and spamassassin 3.3.2. I've kept spamassassin at the older version due to conflicts with perl the last time I tried to update beyond 3.3.2.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Sean Murphy

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