Hi Friends,

Am facing the serious issue in outlook 2016.

When i tried to configure the email in outlook 2016 it's asking encrypted
connection and checked automatically and if not available then it showing
unencrypted. but finally unable to configure the email account in outlook
2016 and not permitted.

Do i need to update any in the server.

Am using COS 6 32 and 64 bit servers.

Currently configured in outlook 2010 it's working without any issue.
And always showing in outlook 2010 when i open the account.
Do you want to continue yes or no for the certification.
Because i have configured in advanced selected Auto in outlook 2010.
If i select none it was not working the email.

Anyone facing the same issue.

How do i rectify it in outlook 2016 and how can i stop the certificate
warning message in outlook.


*Thanks & Best Regards,Manikandan.C*

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