That CRM-114 doesn't look to difficult, and they have a maildrop formula.

On 9/3/2020 8:37 AM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
Yeah, it's definitely out of EPEL 8, as far as I can tell.

Looking around for other filtering solutions, I came across rspamd (, which I'd never even heard of, and MailScanner ( There's also bogofilter (, which seems to have been updated relatively recently.

CRM-114 also comes up from time to time. I've played with it and found it effective (it was eerily good at recognizing 419 emails), but it's a bit of a bear to use.

Anyone have a favorite to recommend?


Eric Broch wrote on 9/3/20 9:49 AM:
It doesn't look like dspam is in the EPEL repo for CentOS 8--may be wrong, I might have to do some contorting. It's really the only thing that's kept the inbox clean. Will do some investigation and get back to you.


On 9/3/2020 7:37 AM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
Thanks, Eric.

I notice that this is for CentOS 5 thru 7. dspam is no longer included in EPEL 8, so I assume some sleight of hand is needed to get it onto a CentOS 8 system.

How much more complex is it to get dspam working on CentOS 8, on a scale from "You just have to change this one thing" to "Abandon hope all ye who enter here"?



Eric Broch wrote on 9/1/20 10:51 PM:
Here's the install procedure.

Here's the directory with the learn scripts and Ignore headers

On 9/1/2020 7:54 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
Thanks, Eric

The user-level dspam support sounds intriguing. Is that something already documented online somewhere, or that you could describe (and wouldn't mind sharing)?


Eric Broch wrote on 9/1/20 1:43 PM:
I like maildrop because it suits some of the things I've implemented: more advanced logging, out-of-office triggered by sending yourself with pre-designated subject, user level dspam support etc...

If Sieve did this I'd like it as much, maybe it will, but it was a little to involved to implement, but that could be just my inexperience with it.

On 9/1/2020 9:22 AM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
Thank you, Eric. That's extremely helpful.

Out of interest, does anyone have any thoughts about the relative merits of maildrop and sieve: any reason to prefer one over the other?


Eric Broch wrote on 9/1/20 6:36 AM:
I have a Sieve setup guide on the website

On 9/1/2020 2:25 AM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
<sigh> I was afraid someone would say that. ;-)

Any pointers? For procmail and maildrop it's fairly straightforward -- just set up your .qmail files to pipe incoming mail through them. It looks as if Sieve support is via dovecot, which makes things a little more complex. Does anyone who has implemented Sieve have any pointers or recommendations to share?



Eric Broch wrote on 8/31/20 6:41 PM:
I'd support both Sieve and Maildrop.

On 8/31/2020 4:27 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
For a long time, I've used procmail for filtering incoming mail in qmailtoaster setups. I understand that procmail is now unmaintained, and that maildrop might be a more future-proof choice. So I'm adding maildrop support to my ansible role.

Are there other tools that I should consider? I'm not interested in supporting every possible tool just for the sake of it, but if there's a better option(*) than maildrop, I'd like to look at that.

I've heard of Sieve, but I think it may be too limited compared with procmail and maildrop.



(*) By a better option, I mean one that someone actually uses, rather than something theoretical that would be 'nice to have'. Also, at this time I'm only looking to support FOSS solutions, not commercial products.

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