Yes, this is why I would like to get the quota graph working in squirrelmail again. This was the easy place for customers to see if they actually had a quota problem if they got these scam messages.


On 12/4/2020 9:58 AM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
"Valued Customer" is such an obvious giveaway that I wouldn't bother looking any further. It's a very common phrase in scams of all kinds. Your message is a scam and it almost certainly came from outside your system.

Incidentally, on the subject of quota messages, I did see an interesting case the other day. Mail was bouncing from one user and the bounce messages claimed that the message couldn't be delivered because the user was over their quota.

I knew this couldn't be the case, because I don't have quotas and in fact the user in question was 'virtual': a non-existent user who was being processed by the catch-all and delivered directly to a mailbox (a sub-mailbox of another user who was having no trouble receiving mail).

I finally tracked it down to a dovecot file -- 'dovecot-uidlist', if I remember correctly -- that had the wrong ownership. It was owned by root instead of vpopmail, so dovecot couldn't read it and was bouncing mail with that spurious 'over quota' message.

This doesn't relate to your case -- which sounds like simple phishing -- but I thought I'd share it just for general enlightenment. If you get weird quota-related bounces, remember to check ownership and permissions.


Jeff Koch wrote on 12/4/20 9:41 AM:

One of our QT7 mailserver accounts got an email addressed to a non-existent account that was picked up by his catch-all with the subject

'Mail quota warning - You are close to your quota'

He's using about 0% of his quota which I confirmed by manually checking the space used by his account. The header on this email says almost nothing except the email came from Mailer-Daemon and it's addressed to 'Valued Customer:;'

I've seen over-quota messages but never a warning message.  Is there anything in QT7 that could be generating such a message.


Jeff Koch

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