That page I did not see in renovating the wiki. I'll delete it.

That page is referring to domain keys (DK). We now use domain keys identified mail (DKIM).

DK has been removed from used to be compiled in. Now we use a perl wrapper.

On 6/19/2024 6:30 PM, Chris Knight wrote:
The wiki says that Domain Keys are broken, and will be removed from future 
releases.  What does that mean for DKIM support?

On Jun 20, 2024, at 12:01 PM, Jeff Koch <> wrote:


Emails to Outlook accounts started bouncing today until we added unique dkim 
keys and DNS records to the sender domains.  So now we'll probably need to do 
the same for all the accounts we do email for.

So I was thinking it would be a whole lot easier if we gave everyone the same 
key and DNS text record. Then the question is whether we can setup a wildcard 
signconf.xml stanza something like:

   < * domain="*" keyfile="/var/qmail/control/dkim/wildcard.key" 
     <types id="dkim" />
     <types id="domainkey" method="nofws" />

Any thoughts on whether this is doable or advisable ?


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