I'm an intermediate Linux user and I have a very low volume email server to which 
I'm having trouble.  I have migrated to RH7 when it first came out with little or no 
trouble.  I had a lot of trouble with people hacking into my system and I wanted to
 beef up security.  I'm trying to implement apop and been having a world of trouble.
     I'm having trouble with xinetd.  I'm missing something because it's not accepting 
connections on port 110.  I have a file named pop3 in it's folder with the following 

service pop3
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/local/lib/popper
        server_args     = qpopper -s
        port            = 110

I've restarted xinetd.  Do I need to add a line to etc/services? I not sure if it's 
xinetd or apop or both that aren't setup correctly.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

-Eric Leslie

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