Many, many, thank yous! I didn't think it would be a huge problem.
Currently I use the standard Sendmail that came with Red Hat 6.2, I
think I have sendmail v8? I've got them setup as a virtual domain pop
user, and I'll probably set them up to be a local user (they are going
to maintain their site and adding email addresses as needed) so I'll
just set them up as a regular user, then add an entry to the
virtusertable that will give the alias for their domain. 
Question: Do they then point to my POP server? Or do they look at a POP
server with their domain name attached. I've only setup mine, but I can
change that, I'm just not sure what else is needed.

Sincerely Thank You,

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 3:58 AM
To: Mark Weisman; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: Virtual Domains.

Shouldn't be a problem.  Qpopper will check mail from any valid users' 
mailbox and in this case it will be more challenging to get mail
set up for the virtual domain users than popping it.

One small point you will need to be able think through dealing with a
user of the same name as an existing one.

Good luck.


At 00:12 03/11/01 -0900, Mark Weisman wrote:
>Don't mean to interrupt, but I've got an older version of QPopper
>(3.1.2) up on the server and it works wonderfully, really happy with
>However, recently someone asked if I would host their website, I gladly
>said I would however, I'm not sure if the QPopper I have already
>compiled and setup under my domain will do what it needs to for theirs.
>Help would be good here, I'd greatly appreciate any and all assistance.
>Mark Weisman
>Infinite Visions Technologies

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