On Tue, 2002-01-22 at 08:25, Don Clouse wrote:

> First, I'm completely new linux and qpopper.  My objective is to make a
> personal pop3 server run.

I've got one running on my home server and another at the office, both

> My first question is:  What directory should the downloaded files be place
> in for decompression and loading?

Try my RPM's at http://www.sewingwitch.com/ken/SRPMS/. Rebuild with "rpm
--rebuild qpopper-*.src.rpm" and install with "rpm -Uvh
qpopper-*.i386.rpm". The source RPM includes the stock tarball plus some
additional useful files for RH7.2. Note that you'll need the rpm-build
package installed to rebuild SRPM's from source.

> On my first attempt, I made a directory /root/temp and I see that after
> installing Qpop I have a directory /root/temp/Qpopper with all the files in
> it.  Will this location have an adverse affect?

Avoid being root unless you have to. When you rebuild packages from
source code, be a regular unprivileged user, and only su to root to
install the binaries. Otherwise a typo in a Makefile has more potential
for scrambling your system.

For instance, you could unpack and build the tarball in

> Also in the manual on page 9 there is an "IMPORTANT" reference "In the mail
> spool directory, some systems have a symbolic links from /usr/mail to
> /usr/spool/mail. Make sure you check this before install Qpopper." I don't
> have these directories, and I not quite sure what the manual is telling me.

Don't worry about it. RH puts mail in mbox format in /var/spool/mail.
The configure script should find it there.

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