
This is my qpopper entry in xinetd:

service pop3
        flags       = REUSE
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        server      = /usr/local/libexec/qpopper
        server_args = -s -f /etc/mail/qpopper.conf

You should use the flags = REUSE option in order to to be able to issue more
than one option to server_args.

> hello
> i am running popper under xinetd,
> so the entry is
> servers = path/popper
> but the problem is i cant run popper under xinetd with options like -R or
> other because xinetd only wants 1 Value to be set , if i write
> popper -option -option then X inetd dont starts
> any ideas?
> thx

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